Highlighter Scroller This interesting scroller rotates and displays messages by highlighting each one into view, like using a felts to highlight text on a page. Very cool!
Highlighter Scroller IIHighlighter Scroller II is a visually appealing, multi-line scroller. It gradually reveals each message into view from bottom to top, and is configurable in many aspects.
Message Slideshow
A form box message slideshow that rotates among infinite number of messages. Each message is associated with a unique URL, and clicking the button will take the surfer to a different URL, depending on when he/she clicks it.
A form box message slideshow that rotates among infinite number of messages. Each message is associated with a unique URL, and clicking the button will take the surfer to a different URL, depending on when he/she clicks it.
Rich HTML Ticker Rich HTML TIcker is a practical script for displaying ordinary, rich HTML content in a rotated fashion on your page. The ticker contents can either be defined inline on the page, or within an external file and fetched using Ajax.
Scrolling Textarea
A script that scrolls the contents of a TEXTAREA automatically. Very cool!
A script that scrolls the contents of a TEXTAREA automatically. Very cool!
Scroller using a text boxA scroller that scrolls itself in a text box.
Type-writer scrollerThis is a unique scroller that displays the text one-letter at a time, with the trailing "underscore" symbol following behind, like a type writer!
Typing Textarea
A script that types text, one letter at a time, into a TEXTAREA.
A script that types text, one letter at a time, into a TEXTAREA.
Typing Text Scroller Similar to the above, this script types the containing messages into view. Both the typing speed and pause between messages can be configured.
Note- For status bar scrollers, see Status Bar effects
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